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      Having a car without a house is still easy to pursue a girl

      Xiaoming (pseudonym) is a handsome boy with excellent appearance and personality, but his only shortcoming is that he does not have his own house. However, this did not stop him from pursuing the girl he had always liked-Xiaohong (pseudonym). Xiaoming and Xiaohong work in the same company. He has been in love with Xiaohong for several years. Finally, after many efforts, Xiaohong accepted his pursuit.

      So, how did Xiaoming win Xiaohongs heart? Here are some key points where Xiaoming succeeded:

      1. Dare to express feelings

      Xiaoming never hides his good feelings for Xiaohong. He always expresses his heart to Xiaohong at the right time, such as praising Xiaohongs beauty, intelligence, etc. during the chat. This kind of frank confession made Xiaohong clearly aware of his feelings for her and made her gradually moved.

      2. Give her attention and warmth

      Xiaoming is very good at observing others, and knows how to give Xiao Hong attention and warmth. For example, on Xiaohongs birthday, he gave her a more intimate gift and wrote a long birthday message. Xiaohong was very moved by this, and her goodwill towards Xiaoming also increased a lot.

      3. Energetic life

      Although Xiaoming does not have a house, he is full of energy and hobbies. He likes fitness, travel, reading, etc., which makes him look charming. When talking to him, Xiao Hong can feel Xiaomings passion and confidence, which also made her look at him differently.

      4. Rich sense of humor

      Xiaoming has a kind of humor that can adjust the atmosphere and make people happy. Xiaohong is also such a person, so when the two are chatting together, they are always very happy.

      5. Honest and frank

      When Xiaoming talked to Xiaohong about his lack of house, he did not try to conceal too much, but honestly explained his current situation and explained the reason why he just wanted to work hard and then consider buying a house. This made Xiaohong feel Xiaomings sincerity and promise, and slowly cultivated trust.


      The above is how Xiaoming seized Xiaohongs heart. Although he did not have a house, he had his unique charm that made Xiaohong fall in love with him. This tells us that even if you dont have any so-called "advantages," you can still have your own charm to attract the people you like.

      Finally, we should understand that pursuing someone is not based on material conditions. The key is whether we really treat each other sincerely, whether we truly care and understand her/him, and whether we can cherish and give our feelings without reservation. When you do these things, you will surely be able to successfully pursue your TA in your own unique way.
