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      As a comic about the survival story of mining workers struggling with Tiankeng, "Tiankeng" has been widely concerned globally. However, this comic is not just an inspiring workplace theme, but more is to introduce the wonderful landscapes, geological events, and ecological phenomena on earth to readers in the form of storytelling.

      In the comic, the protagonists experience involves natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, lake disappearances, and river interruptions. These natural disasters are all related to crustal movements, and these geological events are constantly occurring on the earth. The comic also shows some wonderful landscapes, such as underground rivers, caves, karst, etc. These landscapes are all marvelous created by geological effects.

      In addition to geological events and landscapes, the comic also emphasizes environmental awareness and ecological protection. In the comic, the protagonist and other characters repeatedly emphasize the necessity of ecological protection. They even put their lives under the interest of humans to protect the lives and living environment of wildlife. At the same time, the comic also reveals the impact of human activities on the environment and ecological balance. Human development activities have destroyed many originally intact ecosystems, resulting in population reduction and species extinction. The comic bluntly tells readers that the relationship between human beings and nature is interdependent, and protecting nature is protecting our own living environment.

      Human civilization in the comic is also an important theme. The comic displays many cultural heritages such as ancient totem pillars, rock paintings and cultural sites. These cultural heritages leave traces of ancient human and natural interaction, which helps us understand the historical connection between human and nature. At the same time, the comic also reveals the infinite possibilities of civilization. Human beings can change nature and create nature. However, the comic also warns readers that human behavior of changing nature must be careful and consider ecological balance and environmental protection factors.

      In conclusion, through the comic "Tiankeng", we can see the authors love and respect for nature, and we can also understand knowledge in geology, ecology, history and civilization. The comic conveys thoughts and feelings about nature and humanity through the life experience of a small character. The comic calls on people to cherish natural resources, protect the environment, and maintain ecological balance, making efforts for harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature. At the same time, the comic also tells us that nature is invincible, we need to face nature more humbly, learn to live in harmony with nature, and seek symbiosis and mutual prosperity.
